Nore Command Lodge – Ladies Weekend

Booking form for Nore Commands Ladies Weekend Deposits to be paid by Friday March 18th Extra nights can be booked at £80 per room per night for bed and breakfast. Golf on the 18 hole championship course can be booked for £20 on the Thursday and £30 on the Saturday and...

Small Temple Decoration and Furniture Refurbishment

Quietly during 2015 a dedicated Brother gave his own time and resources to redecorating the Small Temple, which is used for Lodges of Instruction and changing for meetings. A big thank you needs to be given to WBro Pat Craig, for all this hard work. The colour scheme...


On Sunday 21st February 2016, the United Service Lodge No. 3124 will be hosting a Sunday Lunch. The price is just £15.00 for a Three course lunch followed by Cheese & Biscuits and Tea/Coffee. Afterward the lunch the Immediate Past Master, W. Bro. Colin Sheehan and...

W. Bro. Aldridge – Jewels

The United Service Lodge No. 3124 was pleased to receive Craft and Chapter Jewels, returned by the Provincial Librarian & Museum Treasurer of East Lancashire. The jewels were presented to W. Bro. F.Q. Aldridge who was Worshipful Master of the Lodge from 1946 to...