by David Wraight | Feb 23, 2016 | Events
Booking form for Nore Commands Ladies Weekend Deposits to be paid by Friday March 18th Extra nights can be booked at £80 per room per night for bed and breakfast. Golf on the 18 hole championship course can be booked for £20 on the Thursday and £30 on the Saturday and...
by David Wraight | Jan 28, 2016 | News
Quietly during 2015 a dedicated Brother gave his own time and resources to redecorating the Small Temple, which is used for Lodges of Instruction and changing for meetings. A big thank you needs to be given to WBro Pat Craig, for all this hard work. The colour scheme...
by David Wraight | Jan 24, 2016 | Events
Sold out
by David Wraight | Jan 15, 2016 | Events
On Sunday 21st February 2016, the United Service Lodge No. 3124 will be hosting a Sunday Lunch. The price is just £15.00 for a Three course lunch followed by Cheese & Biscuits and Tea/Coffee. Afterward the lunch the Immediate Past Master, W. Bro. Colin Sheehan and...
by David Wraight | Jan 14, 2016 | News
The United Service Lodge No. 3124 was pleased to receive Craft and Chapter Jewels, returned by the Provincial Librarian & Museum Treasurer of East Lancashire. The jewels were presented to W. Bro. F.Q. Aldridge who was Worshipful Master of the Lodge from 1946 to...