The Sheerness Remembrance Day Ceremony was well supported by members of the UMC. This was my first visit to this particular ceremony and I was pleasantly surprised to find d hundreds of people had assembled at the 1st World War memorial opposite Sheerness Station. Members of all the services along with cadets,  scouts , cubs and others marched, led by the St John’s Ambulance Brigade Band. Impressive for a small town, but everyone was there to remember and give thanks to the fallen of two world wars and every conflict since. The start of the London ceremony was relayed over speakers and everyone hushed for the two minutes silence. I must admit I was a bit put off by the local clergy talking during part of this hallowed time. The band and buglers gave a heartfelt meaning to the occasion much appreciated by all.

During the wreath laying ceremony all of our six Lodges were represented by members each laying their lodges contribution. After the ceremony I like many others gazed over the  many contributions and all of the UMC wreaths were identified by the Masonic Square and Compasses. Really nice to know that we do not forget.

One just can not forget those haunting words “They gave their today for our tomorrow”. How so very fortunate we all are.

After the ceremony many of us returned to the club for the Remembrance Sunday Lunch.  Again a great turn out as there were 63 seated for an excellent carvery. Wo. Bro. Malcolm Brooks engaged us all by relating some of the historic moments of the 1st World War in his normal inimitable way.

To the people of Sheerness and to many of our members this was a very memorable day.

G. Cox 12/11/15